Our mission is to provide the consumer with true Italian made bed linens in classic designs and colors, at prices that are fair and reasonable.
“Made in Italy” is the benchmark for high quality bed linens. Sadly, the labeling laws allow some leeway and not every step of the manufacturing process needs to be done in Italy, yet the product can still be labeled “made in Italy.” The result is some sort of hybrid that simply isn’t the same quality. Our pledge to the consumer is that “Belisari” bed linens are truly made in Italy: Woven in Italy, Finished, Bleached or Dyed & Mercerized in Italy and Sewn in Italy.
We also pledge to the consumer that our prices will be fair and reasonable. If you are familiar with the prices charged for bed linens made in Italy (our true competitors), then we think you’ll find our prices to be “attractive.” Which begs the question, Why?
1) We do not have a brick and mortar store, and its concomitant overhead, nor do we have a retail store distribution network that we have to support.
2) We will avoid the fashion pitfall. Fine Italian bedding is a classic; trying to add fashion (more exotic designs and colors) is a markdown waiting to happen.